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facebook marketing

Facebook is a social media service that combines everything you could hope for in digital marketing; increasing awareness, increasing website traffic, strengthening existing customer relationships, lead generation and remarketing, and precisely measurable results. Facebook is the perfect tool to harness the best of organic and advertising .

What kind of companies is Facebook marketing suitable for?

Facebook has approximately 2.5 million Finnish users and almost 3 billion users worldwide. So Facebook has a large and diverse user base, which is why any business can be successful there, regardless of industry, whether it's a local coffee shop or a multinational technology company.

Facebook marketing
Sosiaalisen median markkinointi

reach out

Facebook is still one of the largest social media platforms in the world. When you target your message correctly, Facebook's vast user base opens the door to reach millions of people.

advertise effectively

Facebook's advertising tools enable precise segmentation - you can target your ads to the people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.


Facebook's analytics tools provide real-time information on the performance of organic content and advertising campaigns, which enables effective optimization of the content strategy.

why choose primaq?

We are a pioneer in social media marketing .
  We have helped hundreds of companies succeed with social media marketing since 2016. We have a strong vision and, above all, experience about what works and what doesn't.


We have a special ability to take on any industry.

We have produced content for all kinds of companies, from IT and finance to complex technology and from food to health and wellness. We understand the differences in the requirements of B2B and B2C marketing - more than half of our customers operate on the B2B side.


Paid social media advertising is our specialty.

Our certified experts invest especially in moving images, video material and audio that are impressive and in line with the brand look . We often receive feedback that the ads we make produce excellent results.


We always aim for a winning strategy.

We don't post anything on Facebook just for fun. Everything we do is based on the customer's business strategy and goals - social media content production is carefully planned to serve the whole.

You get everything you need for successful social media marketing under one roof.

We produce social media marketing on a turnkey basis. You will receive from us an annual clock, creative ideas, interesting texts and impressive visual still and video materials , graphics, advertising , timely publishing and account moderation.

Multilingual content production to support wider reach and internationalization.

We produce social media content not only in Finnish but also in English and Swedish. This helps your company to communicate effectively outside the borders of Finland as well.

We will report the results to you regularly.

We actively monitor and analyze social media marketing data and results, and report them to you regularly. We constantly improve the contents based on the results achieved.

They have trusted us​​

Primaq references

choose winning strategy and creative ideas

Strong strategic understanding, innovation and creative ideas, and genuine enthusiasm and passion is a rare combination that only a few can offer. If you are looking for a partner who understands your business needs and helps you achieve your marketing goals, choose Primaq.

Increase the effectiveness of Facebook marketing with these digital marketing services:

  • Still and video shooting

  • Instagram marketing

  • LinkedIn Marketing

  • TikTok Marketing

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02240 Espoo



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